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Notice of the proposed Transfer of Shares – 04.06.2021

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOS3/CIR/P/2018/139 dated 6th November 2018, a request has been received by the Company from Name(s) of Proposed Transferee(s) Rajiv Agarwal, residing at 27 A, Rowland Road, Kolkata-700 020 to transfer the below mentioned securities held in the name(s) of the security holder(s) as detailed below, to his / her / their name(s). These securities were claimed to have been purchased by him / her / them and could not be transferred in his / her / their favour.

Folio No.

Name(s) & Address of the Holder(s)

Security Type & Face value

No. of Securities

Distinctive Nos. From - To


Dilip Terang, Bishnu Rice & Flour Mills Vill. Sukhanjan P. O. Bokajan, Dist. Karbi Anglong, Assam.

Equity – Rs. 1/-



Any person who has a claim in respect of the above mentioned securities, should lodge such claim with the Company at its Registered Office within 30 days from this date along with appropriate documentary evidence thereof in support of such claim, else the Company will proceed to transfer the securities in favour of Rajiv Agarwal without any further intimation.

Notice of the proposed transfer shares (PDF | 4MB) (PDF 3.74 MB)

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