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HUL’s Prabhat contributes to the Government of India’s nutrition movement


Government of India’s nutrition movement group photo

Aligning with the Government of India’s nutrition movement, our flagship community initiative Project Prabhat collaborates with IMPAct4Nutrition as a knowledge partner. Under Prabhat, Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) runs several employee engagement and community behaviour change programmes on nutrition in and around its factory locations spread across India.

Through this alliance, we now share knowledge and related resource material with other corporations to help them kickstart nutrition advocacy and impact programmes in their communities.

On 16th January, Prabhat carried out the first Master Trainers’ Session with other corporations who are pledge partners under Impact4Nutrtion. These include companies such as Tata Power, Grasim Industries Limited, MP Birla Group, Tata Chemicals Society For Rural Development and SRCC Children’s Hospital. This session was the start of a collaborative effort to make the Government of India’s National Nutrition Mission a citizen movement with active participation from corporate institutions.

About IMPAct4Nutrition:

IMPAct4Nutrition is a platform to engage the private sector in building a citizen movement to support the Government of India’s nutrition movement (Poshan Abhiyaan). It is an opportunity for the private sector to be part of a social change that will positively impact the nutritional and health status of India.

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