Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) supplies high quality goods and services to meet the daily needs of consumers and customers.
In doing so, the Company is committed to exhibit the highest standards of corporate behaviour towards its consumers, employees, the societies, and the environment in which we operate.
Towards this, the Company recognises its responsibility to ensure safety and protection of health of its employees, contractors, and visitors in all its operating sites, which include manufacturing, sales and distribution, research laboratories and offices during work- and work-related travel.
This Policy document defines the vision, principles, aim, required actions and scope of the policy application as well as the responsibility for execution.
Our vision
Our vision is to be an injury free organisation.
Our mission
We aim to bring safety on top of mind for all employees and to integrate it with all business processes. We aim to realise our vision through an Integrated Safety Management approach, which focuses on People, Processes, Systems, Technology and Facilities, supported by demonstrated leadership and employee commitment at all levels as the prime drivers for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.
Our policy
Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) recognises people as its most important asset and is committed to a safe and healthy work environment impacting those working on, visiting, or living near our operations Management at all levels will be responsible for implementation of this Policy and shall be accountable in line with relevant responsibility matrices within the Company. At the same time, it is the duty of every employee to work in a safe manner so as not to endanger himself / herself or his/her colleagues at work and during travel. This is a condition of employment.
HUL is committed to make, handle, use, transport, sell or dispose of products, in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
Scope of application
This section defines the scope of application of this Policy.
Implementation responsibility
HUL Management Committee is responsible for implementation of this Policy. Every site shall prepare a responsibility matrix with respect to this Policy. Such SHE responsibilities shall form an integral part of overall job responsibilities of all employees.
All Unilever and HUL Standards, Rules and Procedures on Occupational Safety and Health, including those that may be specific to a site are integral to this Policy and its implementation.
All employees are required to ensure strict adherence.