Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit for quarter ended 31.03.2016 (PDF 260.33 KB)
Regulation 40(9) of Listing Regulations for half year ended 31.03.2016 (PDF 835.73 KB)
Statement of Investor Complaints for quarter ended 31.03.2016 (PDF 750.76 KB)
Intimation of Increase in Shareholding 28.03.2016 (PDF 1.11 MB)
Press Release for Sale of Rice Exports Business 17.03.2016 (PDF 130.73 KB)
Press Release on Kodai Matter 09.03.2016 (PDF 375.49 KB)
Change in Management Committee 26.02.2016 (PDF 402.86 KB)
Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit for the quarter ended 31.12.2015 (PDF 253.92 KB)
Statement of Investor Complaints for the quarter ended 31.12.2015 (PDF 805.81 KB)
Clause 47(c) of Listing Agreement for half year ended 30.09.2015 (PDF 68.21 KB)
Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit for quarter ended 30.09.2015 (PDF | 249KB) (PDF 248.1 KB)