Horlicks Protein Plus helps meet your daily protein needs.
For every 1kg of body weight, you need 1g of protein daily^. Horlicks Protein Plus helps in providing 30% of your daily protein need*.
There are 20 amino acids, and your body needs all of them to maintain muscle mass and strength. However, 8 of them cannot be synthesized in the body and therefore need to be consumed. These are called essential amino acids. Horlicks Protein Plus delivers all 8 amino acids* essential for adults, namely Threonine, Lysine, Methionine, Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Tryptophan and Phenylalanine.
Protein digestibility–corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) -1
• Gertjan Schaafsma, The Protein Digestibility–Corrected Amino Acid Score, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 130, Issue 7, July 2000, Pages 1865S–1867S
• Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Protein - Which is Best? J Sports Sci Med. 2004;3(3):118-130.
• R&D Data on File
With Whey Protein
• R&D Data on File
• Ha E, Zemel MB. Functional properties of whey, whey components, and essential amino acids: mechanisms underlying health benefits for active people (review). J Nutr Biochem. 2003 May;14(5):251-8
Blend of proteins that provide all 8 Amino Acids
- *Based on the laboratory analysis of amino acid in the formulation. This is linked to the quality of Protein used in the formulation.
R&D Data on File. - ^ICMR RDAs 2010. Protein quantity for sedentary adult men with bodyweight acceptable within a healthy range and high-quality proteins with a PDCASS of 1.0
- *With 200ml of lukewarm cow's/buffalo's milk. As per ICMR RDA for Indian sedentary men.
Contact Unilever about Horlicks Protein Plus
If you have any questions or comments about Horlicks Protein Plus, please visit our contact page.