Corporate responsibility
Corporate Responsibility is integral to our vision: To earn the love and respect of India by making a real difference to every Indian…
We are committed to operate and grow the business in a socially responsible way by reducing the environmental impact of our operations and increasing positive social impact.
Our aim is to achieve responsible growth and we will bring this to life by encouraging people to take small everyday actions that will add up to make a big difference.
CR Governance
Our Company follows structured governance procedures to monitor CSR activities. The CSR Policy is governed by the Board of Directors. The Board has constituted a CSR Committee comprising of an Independent Chair and a majority of Independent Directors in order to monitor the Policy and the programmes regularly.
Our CR Commitments
We have embraced the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) which contributes to activities listed in the Schedule VII of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. The USLP aims to achieve three big goals globally – improving health and wellbeing for more than a billion people, reducing the environmental impact of making and use of our products and enhancing livelihoods of millions of people.
Taking into account the water scarcity in India, in addition to the USLP goals, HUL has identified water as a key area of intervention. We have been partnering with relevant stakeholders to create capacities in water conservation across the country.
More information about our CSR activities and their execution modalities can be found in Annexure A of our CSR Policy.