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Notice of Postal Ballot

01-10-2013: Dispatch of Postal Ballot Notice seeking approval of Members of the Company for appointment of Mr. Sanjiv Mehta as the MD & CEO

The Company has on Monday, 30th September, 2013

  • completed the dispatch of Postal Ballot Notice along with the Postal Ballot Form and a self-addressed business reply envelope to the shareholders who have not registered their e-mail ids with depositories or with the Company and
  • sent email through National Securities Depositories Limited (NSDL) along with the details of Login ID and password to the shareholders who have registered their e-mail ids with depositories or with the Company

for seeking approval of Members of the Company for appointment of Mr. Sanjiv Mehta as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company for a period of five years, with effect from 10th October, 2013, as detailed in the Postal Ballot Notice dated 24th September, 2013.

The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed Mr. S. N. Ananthasubramanian, Practising Company Secretary, to act as the Scrutinizer for conducting the Postal Ballot process.

The Company has offered e-voting facility, through NSDL, as an alternate, to enable the Members to cast their votes electronically instead of dispatching Postal Ballot Form. The detailed procedure for e-voting is enumerated in the Notes to the Postal Ballot Notice.

Members are requested to note that the duly completed Postal Ballot Forms should reach the Scrutinizer not later than the close of working hours on Wednesday, 30th October, 2013. The voting period for e-voting module also ends on Wednesday, 30th October, 2013 at 5.00 p.m. Any responses received after this date will be treated as if the same has not been received.

The voting rights of Members shall be reckoned as on 24th September, 2013, which is the cut-off date. Members, who do not receive the Postal Ballot Notice by Monday, 7th October, 2013 may download it from the website or may request for duplicate Postal Ballot Form from M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited or Investor Service Counter of the Company.

Shareholders who have received Postal Ballot Notice by e-mail and who wish to vote through physical Postal Ballot Form can download the Postal Ballot Form from the link or from the website of the Company.

The result of the voting by Postal Ballot will be announced on Thursday, 31st October, 2013 at 5.00 p.m. at the Registered Office of the Company

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